Know about the molecule: Penicillin

Mr IntMol: Hello everyone this is your host as Mr. Interview Molecule, today we have a very special guest with us named penicillin. Who is an antibiotic of beta-lactam family. And this is the Molecule Interview Show By, let begin!

Mr IntMol: So, Penicillin tell us about yourself, your origin and other stuff.

Penicillin: Hello, I am Penicillin, discovered by Alexander Fleming when he was working with the mold Penicillium notatum. I am a beta-lactam antibiotic.

Mr IntMol: And people say that you are very historically significant, is that true?

Penicillin: Yes it is, because we Penicillins were the first drugs that were effective against many previously serious diseases like syphilis, and infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci.

Mr IntMol: And what about now?

Penicillin: Various organisms have been resistant and we cannot eliminate them. However we are still widely used.

Mr IntMol: When the humans consume you do they have any ill effects?

Penicillin: Not directly, but some humans when given Penicillins they give an 'adverse drug reaction' in this case it will be called as 'Penicillin drug reaction'. Diarrhea, hypersensitivity, nausea, rash, neurotoxicity, urticaria, and superinfection is usually associated with 'Penicillin drug reaction'.

Mr IntMol: And what is your route of administration?

Penicillin: Oral Route, Injection Route, Intravenous Route, Intramuscular Route. But many Penicillin are unstable so parenteral route is usually used. Oral route may lead to acid inactivation in stomach.

Mr IntMol: How to you go about with the killing of your target?

Penicillin:  PBP's or Penicillin binding proteins are used by bacteria for cell wall synthesis. We bind to these molecules and interfere with cell wall synthesis, which leads to target cell lysis.

Mr IntMol: Oh, I see. what are you effective against?

Penicillin:  We are most effective against gram positive cocci, anaerobic pathogens and spirochetes. But however most semi-synthetic penicillins are effective against a wide range of bacteria.

Mr IntMol: We thank penicillin to be on our show. We end this show today with a funny saying about penicillins

"When life gives you molds, make Penicillin"