How to isolate the glowing bacteria? Bioluminescence

It very simple technique which is based on the principle of isolation of micro-organism on a solid nutrient media and then selective growing isolate colony for further analysis.

Media required :
Sterile Sea salt saline(5ml saline in  10ml tube) - 3
Sterile Sea salt nutrient Agar plate(20ml media in a large petri plate for isolation)  - 5
Sterile Sea salt nutrient Agar slant(5ml media in a 10ml tube for monoculturing) - 10
Sterile Sea salt nutrient broth(100 ml in 250ml flask)  -  4

Sample Required :
Fresh sea water fish  - 1

Miscellaneous :
Dark Room   - 1

Procedure :
Step 1: Disect the fish and supend its gills, intestine and scales in three separate sea salt saline tube then shake it well or vortex it.
Step 2: Streak the three different samples on three different sea salt nutrient agar plate and then incubate it at Room Temperature(R.T.) for 12 to 18 hour.(Note: over incubation may lead to loss of biolumenesce due to depletion of nutrients)
Step 3: Check for growth on the plate and look for well isolated biolumnesce colony in the dark room. Carefully mark the colony on the plate using permanent marker under dark.
Step 4: Carefully pick the selected biolumencent colony and streak them on sterile Sea salt slant individually. Incubate at R.T. for 12 to 18 hours.
Step 5: Select those slant which shows uniform biolumescent on the slant were growth has appeared. (Note: if uniform bioluminescence is not observed on the slant then touch the sterile loop on the glowing area and continue from step 2 or step 4.)
Step 6: Scrape out loopful growth and inoculate in Sterile sea salt broth and incubate at R.T. at static condition for 18 hours.
Step 7: Flask glow when it is shaked in a dark room, this happens because the organism requires dissolved oxygen to glow.

Media Composition:

Sea Salt Saline Solution: 
3.5 gram sea salt in 100ml distilled water.

Sea Salt Nutrient Broth:  
Peptone            1 gram
Beef extract      0.3 gram
Sea salt            3 grams
Distilled water   100mL
pH                    7.0

Sea Salt Nutrient Agar:  
 Peptone            1 gram
 Beef extract      0.3 gram
Sea salt            3 grams
Agar                 2 grams
Distilled water   100mL
pH                    7.0

(Note: Sea salt is easily available at aquarium shops who maintain sea fishes. It is also available at local marker known as uniodized sea salt. In Hindi, it is known as "jada namak" which means thick salt .Market cost is 8 rupees per kilogram. )